Monday, 14 July 2008

[Me] Update: Still Here!

What a terrible blogger I am. Having promised you an onslaught of content, I then gave you one Face Plant Friday and disappeared. Again. I’m now taking measures to prevent (the ever-increasing) readership (that’s you guys) being stranded by me! More after the jump.

Firstly, today I'm going to make a few blog posts, no-where near enough to make up for another two weeks without me posting but some content none-the-less.

This also links in nicely with how I'm going to get content posted up on here. I'm currently working on getting some more people on board the KebabKings team to blog at least once per week. As it currently stands, I'm either too lazy or too busy to post here on anything near a regular basis, which is a shame. To combat this, the team I'm building up will keep things ticking over with minor contributions weekly. Prepare for a little surprise on this later tonight ;)

In my last update post I also told you I was working behind the scenes, and true to my word, I was doing that. You might notice that there's now a playlist in the sidebar to the right, I've added a playlist full of songs for you to listen to. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work in Firefox 3 (the problem lies at their end, not mine) so only IE users will get to use it for the foreseeable future. Firefox users can use the [IE Tabs] add-on for Firefox to render the page using Internet Explorer's engine, while still in Firefox. Musically, the playlist is my personal playlist, full of songs that I love. It ranges from melodeath to a couple of rock ballads, with everything from globally popular bands to 'unheard of' bands. Check it out, leave comments on what you want to hear added in or taken out, I'm always up for suggestions.

In other, not-so-significant news, I'm going to be on holiday for a month from the 22nd of July, so it is highly doubtful that I'll be posting in that time. I'm relying on my team to keep you fed in that time, but don't expect three course meals! I'd also like to remind you all to use the RSS feed (top link, sidebar - or click [here]) to subscribe to the blog. I don't know how you are all checking for new content as it stands right now, but RSS feeds are much simpler and aren't as intrusive as being e-mailed every single time I post. Using e-mail subscription is also a bad idea on the basis that as I change things behind the scenes I'm often blank posting and then deleting the posts, giving you 'ghost' e-mails.

Enjoy the summer holidays my friends and hopefully I'll keep you posted.