Monday, 14 July 2008

[You] Nintendo: New Peripheral. Sweet.


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Pictured above is a wiimote sporting the Wii MotionPlus accessory. This accessory doesn't really carry the wow factor of things like the nunchuck, it just looks like a little white lego brick that clicks into the bottom of the remote, but that's not all it does. Hit the jump to find out why it's worth blogging about.

It looks tiny, but that peripheral is actually a very important step in the evolution of the Wii. You see, what it does is increase the Wiimotes' precision in regards to your actions and the goings on in-game. Why is this important? It means that we're now likely to see our first Light Saber game! Not only that, but this tiny little block will also improve your gaming experience on the basis that a game that relies on using a motion sensor will benefit from an improved sensor, simple as.

The other significant thing about this accessory is the timing of the announcement. Announced before E3, specifically before Microsoft (are highly likely to) reveal their motion-controlled sensor. Nintendo must've seen something coming. They never miss a trick do they?

via [Kotaku]