Friday, 18 July 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: The Return of the Ouch

This week I’ve got three more videos lined up for you all. The usual blockbuster, a funny one and the final one - this week marks the return of the one that makes you cringe.

I’ll start with the funny one. A short clip which involves a little kid and gymnastics. God I love the gymnastic face plants.

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It’s only short I know but the wacky music and multiple replays sum this face plant up. It’s quirky and no major damage was done – watch the kid run off at the end. I just found it really funny, I mean, this kid probably just proved that his Mum was right when she said he should quite gym and play football instead. Check the rest after the jump.

Ok this one is just cringe worthy. Could someone please tell me whether she broke her neck or not? Regardless – this looks like pain was a big hitter. Still, it’s a face plant, and it harks back to the early days of Face Plant Friday, in which I gave you some real painful ones.

Just Ouch. Somebody call a doctor or something, that has got to smart. Don’t you love the way she basically balances on her face before her neck gives a way? That, ladies and gents, is a proper face plant, with a hold. I heard this lady’s going to be in the new Tony Hawks.

But now. The moment you all love. The blockbuster face plant. This weeks’ is quite an odd one if I’m honest, I highly doubt anyone will spot it first time but don’t worry, it comes with a slow-mo replay.

Before I go any further I've got to hand credit to Matthew who pointed this video out to me, great spot! This is one of the best face plants I've ever seen for so many reasons - not only do I suspect that this guy is now out of the genepool, but I think all the other douche bags with him have learnt their lessons as well. Result. Now watch it again and take note of the sound of his face smacking the car. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Take care guys and gals.