Friday, 20 June 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: It’s back!

So, it's been a while and I can only apologise for that but I'm here and I've got three spankingly beautiful videos for you this week. Where else are you going to find a Jew, a fat guy and an epic fail smashing their faces into the ground? You can't say I don't love you, can you? We'll begin this week with the fat guy, because it's probably the least funny and I feel like saving the best until last.

Not the best face plant mankind has ever witnessed, but it does explain why he looks like the Michelin man, he's obviously done this before and over time his body has forgotten to pop back out of the crumpled state. Decent breasts for a lad though. Check the other two videos after the jump.

For my second video of the week, I offer a kid with a body board and a really bad case of epic fail. He might want some medicine for that - or his pride - after this monstrosity was caught on camera.

What an athlete. What a gymnast. His spine must bend over 9000 degrees in this clip. As if his epic fail wasn't quite bad enough, his own mother then laughs at him. I would say that's demoralising but come on, this kid has just eaten sand using a body board. Which smacktard can't use a body board? Epic. Fail.

Finally, the big one. A jew, national TV, a face plant and a bit of Cat Deeley for good measure. Yes.

Best face plant ever? 'Nuff said.