Wednesday 27 February 2008

[Me] Football Funnies: The Many Faces Of Avram Grant

Ok ok, I'm actually going to start posting properly now, promise. What better to start with than a loser? A loser who can't get his tactics right and loses to some big-game bottlers? Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you Avram Grant and his many faces. This post is pure humour. Promise.

Before we begun I thought I'd show you a picture of Avram, in this one he's looking a bit froggish. Poor pun, I know. This post can only get better though, hey? 3 stars. (The picture, not the joke.)

Here he is looking shocked. Accept no imitations, Avram does the best Avram impression around. 5 stars.

Avram in his movie debut, impressively he was only in hair and make-up for 10 minutes before each shoot. 4 stars.

No idea what this is, but it is scarily similar. 4 stars.

Here's our favourite little trooper in his animated movie debut. He looks so chuffed. 4 stars.

Ok, that's enough mocking him.

One more. Then I'll go. Promise.

So close, hey Avram? Next year.

Feel free to add suggestions in the kahmentz. I envisage this post having a mk II. If you make me laugh you can win a glass of smug.



Anonymous said...

haha the grinch is the best one