Friday, 7 March 2008

[You]Pranks: Batch File Fun #1

First post of March and I'm sitting here ill, so I thought I'd cheer you lot up. At the bottom of this post there's a download link to a batch file (.bat) which, when executed, means that your left and right-clicks are switched over. This is perfect for winding your mates up :)

To undo the changes the batch file makes, simply go to the control panel, choose mouse and under the "Buttons" tab, uncheck the first tickbox, which should say "Switch primary and secondary buttons".

I've made two versions of this file, one is called "Switch.bat" and the other "Switcher.bat". The difference between them is quite significant to the trick; Switch will run like any other file while Switcher will delete itself as soon as you run it successfully.

Why did I bother making Switch then? Well, once you use Switcher it's going to delete itself! Simply copy and paste Switch, renaming the new version "Switcher.bat" and it should work again, genius huh.

Enough of me waffling on, here's the download links:

[Switch] - Will not delete itself after use.

[Switcher] - Will delete itself after use.

Have fun! At this point I should point out that to the best of my knowledge this is Windows only.



Unknown said...

hey i don't want to burst your bubble but batch files are illegal to download in the internet. sorry but you could give people instructions =>