Sunday, 24 February 2008

[You] Formalities: Welcome!

Morning all,

Welcome to Kebab Kings! This blog is, put simply, for men. The first thing I'll explain is the odd post title, I'm running a nice efficient system.

In the square brackets is either [You] or [Me]. This means that I'm either posting something of concern to you, the public, or something that I liked and thought I'd share, whether or not you want to read it.

Secondly I've written a main tag, in this case "Formalities". If I'm posting about a piece of software for windows-only I'll give it the tag "Windows" or "Computing", while a post about football would be titled "Football", for example.

The final bit is the actual post title :)

The final thing you should all know is that this blog is full of things I find interesting, so my target audience is myself, meaning that not everything is going to be to your tastes and surprisingly, I don't care.

Enjoy the blog people :)



Anonymous said...

To be honest, Im not surprised at all =P I know you tooooo well! anyways I will be checking your blog constantly! Good luck Mr Spanner