Tuesday, 29 July 2008

[Me]Sports: Olympics and Barnet!

I also have a sports post for you! Two different flavours today for you. First things first, there's a show on BBC1 tomorrow (29th July) at 10.35PM. Titled 'Olympic Dreams'...

...it shows the life of Britain's young Olympic stars as they prepare to take on the best of the world in the upcoming Beijing olympics, and also their training for London 2012. This is however the 3rd in the series - so why am I blogging about it? Because it involves two great young table tennis players, Darius Knight and Paul Drinkhall (Picture.

My second sports update is on my team, Barnet FC, and most notably their recent game against Arsenal. Final score was 1-2, however Barnet did take the lead with a wonderfully placed free-kick from left-back Kenny Gillet which beat Manuel Almunia. For the second half, Arsenal played a completely different 11, consisting of many new faces to football fans, from Arsenal's very successful youth setup. These youngsters actually played better than the more accomplished Arsenal team from the first half, and goals from Jay Simpson and Nacer Barazite sunk the Bees. The games was, however, a very good lesson for some of the younger players, and possibly one of Barnet's brighter young stars, Danny Hart, looks like he could turn out to be a very good player.

Until next time! Mr. Bean.
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Monday, 28 July 2008

[Me]Update: AVARiCE's Absence

For this update I have two posts in one for you. Most important thing first - our favourite editor AVARiCE is away on holiday and won't be back for a few weeks, so I'll be around to keep you occupied. Read more on "[Me]Update: AVARiCE's Absence"...

Friday, 18 July 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: The Return of the Ouch

This week I’ve got three more videos lined up for you all. The usual blockbuster, a funny one and the final one - this week marks the return of the one that makes you cringe.

I’ll start with the funny one. A short clip which involves a little kid and gymnastics. God I love the gymnastic face plants.

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It’s only short I know but the wacky music and multiple replays sum this face plant up. It’s quirky and no major damage was done – watch the kid run off at the end. I just found it really funny, I mean, this kid probably just proved that his Mum was right when she said he should quite gym and play football instead. Check the rest after the jump.

Ok this one is just cringe worthy. Could someone please tell me whether she broke her neck or not? Regardless – this looks like pain was a big hitter. Still, it’s a face plant, and it harks back to the early days of Face Plant Friday, in which I gave you some real painful ones.

Just Ouch. Somebody call a doctor or something, that has got to smart. Don’t you love the way she basically balances on her face before her neck gives a way? That, ladies and gents, is a proper face plant, with a hold. I heard this lady’s going to be in the new Tony Hawks.

But now. The moment you all love. The blockbuster face plant. This weeks’ is quite an odd one if I’m honest, I highly doubt anyone will spot it first time but don’t worry, it comes with a slow-mo replay.

Before I go any further I've got to hand credit to Matthew who pointed this video out to me, great spot! This is one of the best face plants I've ever seen for so many reasons - not only do I suspect that this guy is now out of the genepool, but I think all the other douche bags with him have learnt their lessons as well. Result. Now watch it again and take note of the sound of his face smacking the car. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Take care guys and gals.

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Monday, 14 July 2008

[Me] Introductions: Mr. Bean on your Editing Team!

I hope our resident editor has started all the necessary excitement over the newest additions to the editing team (!). But nevertheless, here I am – your deputy editor, Mr. Bean. I hope you’ll enjoy the different flavours that I’ll be bringing to your favourite blog.


Of course, you’ll be getting your usual dose of humour, news and just awesome-ness, but with me there’ll be some different flavours for you viewing folk. Sports will be where I blog about the comings and goings of my favourite team, Barnet FC, along with any other major lower-league football news that’s flying about. I’ll also be writing about my sport, table tennis, in these posts. Hopefully I’ll bring a few converts from Arsenal and badminton from the Dark Side! Other little niches of mine will undoubtedly be blogged about sooner or later, so keep an eye out!

‘Tis all for now folks!
Mr. Bean
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[You] Comedy: Best News Story Evar?

This is just epic. See the jump? Do it.

I'm thinking of starting a new series (alongside Face Plant Friday) called 'Only In America', because with the glorious US of A, this blog probably wouldn't exist in any form, let alone this one.

I don't honestly think that my satire could actually add anything to this video. It involves a man with no nose, a kidnapping, a drunken pair and the best excuse I've ever heard. Epic.

Just watch it, if you can do it with a straight face then you're twice the man I am. Peace out.

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[You] Comedy: Drunken Referee is Drunk

This is just awesome, isn't it? I mean, what more is there to be said about this? Of course I can think of more! After the jump, guys!

Right. Where do we begin? Ah yes. This is a junior game. As in, everyone about to play is under the age of 18, and the audience probably consists of parents who wanted to pretend to be supportive, while Dad just checks out all the soccer mums out and about.

That's a good start. Then we arrive at his stance. He either has a terrible degenerative disease in his back muscles, a horrendous curvature in his spine or he's so drunk the world is a couple of degrees off to him. I think the safe money's on the latter.

So the event organisers realise he's drunk as a wotsit and try to coax him off the pitch. You can just tell what he's doing at this point, he's telling them he's fine (no really, he's fine) and that he loves them. Even his hand gestures tell you it's a drunken rumble.

Finally they get him to leave the pitch, before he does my favourite thing of this entire video. At 1:52 he gives the perfect wave, followed by an abrupt applause to the crowd. Yes, this man is so drunk he thinks the crowd loces him.

The story ends happily enough, the game was sponsored by an anti-drinking campaign. None of the kids ever drank alcohol in their entire lives. Some died on drug overdoses, but none even touched alcohol!

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[You] Nintendo: New Peripheral. Sweet.


Click the image to view it in original size.

Pictured above is a wiimote sporting the Wii MotionPlus accessory. This accessory doesn't really carry the wow factor of things like the nunchuck, it just looks like a little white lego brick that clicks into the bottom of the remote, but that's not all it does. Hit the jump to find out why it's worth blogging about.

It looks tiny, but that peripheral is actually a very important step in the evolution of the Wii. You see, what it does is increase the Wiimotes' precision in regards to your actions and the goings on in-game. Why is this important? It means that we're now likely to see our first Light Saber game! Not only that, but this tiny little block will also improve your gaming experience on the basis that a game that relies on using a motion sensor will benefit from an improved sensor, simple as.

The other significant thing about this accessory is the timing of the announcement. Announced before E3, specifically before Microsoft (are highly likely to) reveal their motion-controlled sensor. Nintendo must've seen something coming. They never miss a trick do they?

via [Kotaku]

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Nintendo: New Peripheral. Sweet."...

[Me] Update: Still Here!

What a terrible blogger I am. Having promised you an onslaught of content, I then gave you one Face Plant Friday and disappeared. Again. I’m now taking measures to prevent (the ever-increasing) readership (that’s you guys) being stranded by me! More after the jump.

Firstly, today I'm going to make a few blog posts, no-where near enough to make up for another two weeks without me posting but some content none-the-less.

This also links in nicely with how I'm going to get content posted up on here. I'm currently working on getting some more people on board the KebabKings team to blog at least once per week. As it currently stands, I'm either too lazy or too busy to post here on anything near a regular basis, which is a shame. To combat this, the team I'm building up will keep things ticking over with minor contributions weekly. Prepare for a little surprise on this later tonight ;)

In my last update post I also told you I was working behind the scenes, and true to my word, I was doing that. You might notice that there's now a last.fm playlist in the sidebar to the right, I've added a playlist full of songs for you to listen to. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work in Firefox 3 (the problem lies at their end, not mine) so only IE users will get to use it for the foreseeable future. Firefox users can use the [IE Tabs] add-on for Firefox to render the page using Internet Explorer's engine, while still in Firefox. Musically, the playlist is my personal playlist, full of songs that I love. It ranges from melodeath to a couple of rock ballads, with everything from globally popular bands to 'unheard of' bands. Check it out, leave comments on what you want to hear added in or taken out, I'm always up for suggestions.

In other, not-so-significant news, I'm going to be on holiday for a month from the 22nd of July, so it is highly doubtful that I'll be posting in that time. I'm relying on my team to keep you fed in that time, but don't expect three course meals! I'd also like to remind you all to use the RSS feed (top link, sidebar - or click [here]) to subscribe to the blog. I don't know how you are all checking for new content as it stands right now, but RSS feeds are much simpler and aren't as intrusive as being e-mailed every single time I post. Using e-mail subscription is also a bad idea on the basis that as I change things behind the scenes I'm often blank posting and then deleting the posts, giving you 'ghost' e-mails.

Enjoy the summer holidays my friends and hopefully I'll keep you posted.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[Me] Update: Still Here!"...