Saturday, 15 March 2008

[You] News: Attack of the Killer Comic Fish

Oh noes! They're coming! This article at The Sun details the latest fear to hit British shores. You've had SARS, you've had bird flu but nothing will prepare you for this latest travesty. That's right ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to die. Die having been invaded by killer comic zombie fish.

These "savage" fish are "more terrifying than a piranha" our Sun reporter tells us. Then again she also goes on to say:
The vicious giant snakehead EATS everything it comes across and has even been reported to KILL people.

Yeah, thanks. Are The Sun's readers really that thick? Do you really need to capitalise and make bold four letter words? Is that for the illiterates who need the key words pointed out to them?

...She says they're reported to kill people. Who's reports? Another Sun report?

Beware people, this is no joke, Virginia Eel-er (sic) told you so. Prepare the sand-bags and the evacuation schemes Britain, the fish with the comically angry faces are out and they're looking for you!

Why did I bother to blog about this? You're right, I don't actually care about the fish, or the Sun article (as petty as it is). I'm only passing this on because I thought this was yet another example of Avram Grant making the news for all the wrong reasons.