Wednesday, 27 February 2008

[Me] Football Funnies: The Many Faces Of Avram Grant

Ok ok, I'm actually going to start posting properly now, promise. What better to start with than a loser? A loser who can't get his tactics right and loses to some big-game bottlers? Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you Avram Grant and his many faces. This post is pure humour. Promise.

Before we begun I thought I'd show you a picture of Avram, in this one he's looking a bit froggish. Poor pun, I know. This post can only get better though, hey? 3 stars. (The picture, not the joke.)

Here he is looking shocked. Accept no imitations, Avram does the best Avram impression around. 5 stars.

Avram in his movie debut, impressively he was only in hair and make-up for 10 minutes before each shoot. 4 stars.

No idea what this is, but it is scarily similar. 4 stars.

Here's our favourite little trooper in his animated movie debut. He looks so chuffed. 4 stars.

Ok, that's enough mocking him.

One more. Then I'll go. Promise.

So close, hey Avram? Next year.

Feel free to add suggestions in the kahmentz. I envisage this post having a mk II. If you make me laugh you can win a glass of smug.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[Me] Football Funnies: The Many Faces Of Avram Grant"...

Sunday, 24 February 2008

[You] Template: My Design


The current template is my own design, based on the Generic Template, check out the site it's pretty good.

This template is my first so all critique is welcome, in fact I'd encourage it. May I ask that it remains constructive. I've tried my best to make this template compliant in Firefox 2, Safari 3 and IE 7 so please report any bugs within those browsers asap :)

As for anyone else, running any other browser, I don't care :)

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Template: My Design"...

[You] Formalities: Welcome!

Morning all,

Welcome to Kebab Kings! This blog is, put simply, for men. The first thing I'll explain is the odd post title, I'm running a nice efficient system.

In the square brackets is either [You] or [Me]. This means that I'm either posting something of concern to you, the public, or something that I liked and thought I'd share, whether or not you want to read it.

Secondly I've written a main tag, in this case "Formalities". If I'm posting about a piece of software for windows-only I'll give it the tag "Windows" or "Computing", while a post about football would be titled "Football", for example.

The final bit is the actual post title :)

The final thing you should all know is that this blog is full of things I find interesting, so my target audience is myself, meaning that not everything is going to be to your tastes and surprisingly, I don't care.

Enjoy the blog people :)

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Formalities: Welcome!"...