Friday, 11 April 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: A Double Helping II

This week's face plants if you take the previous three as a debt being written off. This week's includes our first ever animal faceplant. Check it.

Small space + Child + Stairs + Box. That's the stupidest equation since the one that involved Michael Jackson, small children and a Disney themed home. Is the mother filming this? Whoever it is, the hysteric laughter at the end will only add to the scarring, time will not heal this child. I would call social services but I can't wait for their next bonding session.

Another classic. The term "with friends like these, who needs enemies" comes to mind. Not much else to say, is there? Hope he's got a good dentist though. And some understanding parents.

Our first animal face plant. Everyone's seen this and no blog is complete without it. Once upon a time someone told me that cats are smarter than dogs. I can't actually remember my reaction through the tears of laughter, or maybe that's all I did - laugh so hard I cried. Whatever, cats are dumb. This one is the dumbest.