Friday, 11 April 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: A Double Helping I

Seeing as I didn't post last week I offer six videos of face planting glory today, as well as humble apologies.

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This one is short but hilariously sweet. Satisfying smack as his head loses a one on one battle with the wall. I bet he tried it again.

Another old man face plant. This one is better though. Not only does he show Michael Jackson up with his little moonwalk before the inevitable, but his face actually has a tiny explosion upon hitting the floor. Let this be a lesson, old an shoes do not have sufficient grip for polished floors. You already knew that? Oh.

Drunk face plants. They rock. Look at him run away holding his head at the end, you just can't buy those moments. The fact he did it in the middle of a road makes it twice as good.

The other three vids in the next post, hold on lads and ladettes.