Friday, 28 March 2008

[You] Faceplant Friday: Check 'em Out

Three face plants to kick start a new section I'm going to christen Faceplant Friday.

Grandpa Faceplants on Dyno Roller - Watch more free videos

Combine an elderly gentleman and poor eyesight and you get this clip. No Grandpa, you didn't step over it.

This one has done the rounds, searching for "face plant" on YouTube probably brings this video up. Take a Redneck, a lot of alcohol and a skateboard. The rest, as they say, is history.

That's just sick. Do you get extra points in parkour for the amount of inches your head bounces? Is it a french sport? What is the meaning of life? Why did his friend bother asking him if he's ok? Is he still alive?

So many questions, so little time.

One more: "Why would you try to backflip off of a vending machine?"

I hereby declare common sense shall just be known as 'sense', as it certainly isn't common.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Faceplant Friday: Check 'em Out"...

Thursday, 27 March 2008

[You] Brains: This Man Clearly Has None

To round up my binge posting period for today, I'll leave you with some news that made me laugh. Then I remembered that someone actually lost their life here.


What. The. Hell?

It gets worse. This man has actually been allowed to have children. The gene pool is weaker for this.

America, it's time for you to use Tazers. Not only are they much less lethal than guns, they can do this:

I love Tazers. I hate America's attitude towards guns. It's a perfect marriage. An example of a marriage that doesn't work? See the first link for that.

Be honest, we all laughed and then we remembered that this man has actually killed his wife. Jeez.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Brains: This Man Clearly Has None"...

[You] Intelligence: How Smart Are You?

It's the question everyone wants to know the answer to, here's a decent online IQ test. I got 136 FWIW, not the best ever but only one or two questions actually had me baffled. Leave scores in comments, no lying people!

Any better tests online? Let me know, hit the comments!

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Intelligence: How Smart Are You?"...

[You] Cool Stuff: Slow Motion Slaps Rock

Video below. Watch it. 'Nuff said.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Cool Stuff: Slow Motion Slaps Rock"...

[You] Ones To Watch: This Guy's Got Talent

Long time, no post.

I'll point you in the direction of this blog. This guy's got skillz. At his request I'm not going to link directly to his images but check them out, he's seriously good. One to look out for in the future :)

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Ones To Watch: This Guy's Got Talent"...

Thursday, 20 March 2008

[You] Comedy: Beauty Pageant Girl Does Wonders For The Air-Head Rep (II)

Another video of a beauty pageant contestant completely not understanding the art of the English language. In fairness I don't think it's this lass' first language, but then again her answer doesn't even show a hint of logical thought, so I can't give her the benefit of the doubt. Then I watch it again and wonder why anyone was allowed to ask such a stupid question.

Just ask her the question about rabbits so she can say she loves them because they're fluffy & peaceful and allow us to admire her um... beauty? Or ask her what her dream is, let her tell you about her life long ambition to feed the world's poor, to see world peace or to adopt !xoKalumbtunga from Papua New Guinea, sparing him imminent death.

But ask her: “What roll did your family play for you as candidate to Binibining Philipinas?”

I don't even think I can answer that. 'Nuff said. Enjoy.

First seen here [Holy Taco Blog]

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Comedy: Beauty Pageant Girl Does Wonders For The Air-Head Rep (II)"...

Monday, 17 March 2008

[You] Software: FairUse Wizard Full Edition Free!

Grab it quickly! FairUse Wizard is currently available for free download. This software (usually worth $20) does the work of two freeware programs in that it both rips and converts to DivX. This is the full edition, available for free as "limited edition", read into that as you want to. Recommended.

Grab it here.

Brought to my attention by Lifehacker

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Software: FairUse Wizard Full Edition Free!"...

Saturday, 15 March 2008

[You] News: Attack of the Killer Comic Fish

Oh noes! They're coming! This article at The Sun details the latest fear to hit British shores. You've had SARS, you've had bird flu but nothing will prepare you for this latest travesty. That's right ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to die. Die having been invaded by killer comic zombie fish.

These "savage" fish are "more terrifying than a piranha" our Sun reporter tells us. Then again she also goes on to say:
The vicious giant snakehead EATS everything it comes across and has even been reported to KILL people.

Yeah, thanks. Are The Sun's readers really that thick? Do you really need to capitalise and make bold four letter words? Is that for the illiterates who need the key words pointed out to them?

...She says they're reported to kill people. Who's reports? Another Sun report?

Beware people, this is no joke, Virginia Eel-er (sic) told you so. Prepare the sand-bags and the evacuation schemes Britain, the fish with the comically angry faces are out and they're looking for you!

Why did I bother to blog about this? You're right, I don't actually care about the fish, or the Sun article (as petty as it is). I'm only passing this on because I thought this was yet another example of Avram Grant making the news for all the wrong reasons.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] News: Attack of the Killer Comic Fish"...

Thursday, 13 March 2008

[You] Comedy: Worst.Hockey.Fight.Ever?

This has seriously got to be the worst hockey "fight" ever. I'm using the term fight loosely here. Enjoy this stuff, I don't think two cowards will ever meet like this again. Especially not after seeing what happened to these two genetic mishaps.

"Don't touch me, I'll smash your face."

"Bring it girlfriend."

"Yeah, I will bring it. I will."

"Go on then."

"Why don't you bring it then?"

"Ok, I will."

This happens for how long before the referees or umpires or whatever the hell they're called decide enough is enough and "break it up" before someone dies. Of boredom. Or just breaks a nail.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You] Comedy: Worst.Hockey.Fight.Ever?"...

Friday, 7 March 2008

[You]Pranks: Batch File Fun #1

First post of March and I'm sitting here ill, so I thought I'd cheer you lot up. At the bottom of this post there's a download link to a batch file (.bat) which, when executed, means that your left and right-clicks are switched over. This is perfect for winding your mates up :)

To undo the changes the batch file makes, simply go to the control panel, choose mouse and under the "Buttons" tab, uncheck the first tickbox, which should say "Switch primary and secondary buttons".

I've made two versions of this file, one is called "Switch.bat" and the other "Switcher.bat". The difference between them is quite significant to the trick; Switch will run like any other file while Switcher will delete itself as soon as you run it successfully.

Why did I bother making Switch then? Well, once you use Switcher it's going to delete itself! Simply copy and paste Switch, renaming the new version "Switcher.bat" and it should work again, genius huh.

Enough of me waffling on, here's the download links:

[Switch] - Will not delete itself after use.

[Switcher] - Will delete itself after use.

Have fun! At this point I should point out that to the best of my knowledge this is Windows only.

~ AVARiCE Read more on "[You]Pranks: Batch File Fun #1"...